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Villa services – your wish, our mission

You booked the best Villa for you and your family/friends, so it is time to get on the spot and just leave all minds fly away. We do know your goal is to have a great time, relaxing vacation and have no worry about anything. And when we say anything, we do think that.
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Winemaking and the most popular wines of Dalmatia

BELIEVE IT OR NOT, IN DALMATIA WE PRODUCE WINES SINCE ANCIENT TIMES! In other words, or numbers – grapes and wine were produced in this area as early as 3800 years ago by our ‘wine ancestors” – Illyrians. Later, we have most to be grateful to Greeks and Romans for developing viniculture. Wine had a special status in the Croatian Court, in the late Middle age. The main economic activity...
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If you’ve ever asked for the old Dalmatian dishes, have to read this!

The true Dalmatian cuisine enables long and healthy life and it is above all tasteful. Any housewife always has at least a bottle of olive oil and a wine in her kitchen. Because fish and salad are never consumed without a drop of olive oil or wine ( during and after cooking). But, besides fish, the Dalmatians are very good at preparing meat. The old Dalmatian dish is an unmistakable...
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